Grande Vitesse System GVS, Inc. - GVS90004U PowerPC PowerMac - Technical Specifications
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Quad-core 2.5GHz PowerPC® G5 Processors
4 PCI-e 16x, 4x, 8x, 4x slots
14x internal up to 500GB SATAII, 4GB Fibre or U320 removable drive bay.
Dual 2GB Fibre PCI-e card option
14x500GB SATA 7200RPM removable drives
4GB Fiber channel drive interfaces
PCMCI Micro, MS, SD, MS DUO, MMC, and SM removable drives
• 2x SATA drive interface on front
Hardware RAID 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 0+1

14 removable drive bays
12 hot-swap drive bays option

Quadro FX 4500 512MB SDRAM
Single or dual power supplies
Up to 16GB 8 DIMM sockets

56Kbps Modem Internal
DVD/RW-CD/RW drive
Front LCD
display states
DFirewire 800, 4xFirewire 400(2xon Front) 4xUSB2 (2xon front)

• System software OSX or Linux
• 1 year limited warranty option upgrade to 3 years

Quad-Core PowerPC G5 with Internal 4GBit Fiber Channel Storage Option in 4U RACK or Tower Configuration with following Suported OS.

PowerPC G5 4XCPU with 6-12 internal drive bays all in a 4U RACK. With a processor speed of Quad-core 2.5GHz PowerPC G5 motherboard, in less than 8.0”, the GVS90004U PPC is the only product of its kind available in the market today.

The GVS9000 PowerPC comes with Quad 2.5GHz PowerPC G5 processors running at speeds of up to 76.6GBps, 1,000KB of dedicated L2 cache memory per processor, three full-length PCI-e and one 16X PCI-e slots, and 8GB of DDR ECC SDRAM which can be upgraded to 32GB . Plus 6x500GB SATAII drives, up to 1500RPM, configured as an internal SAN RAID holding about 3,000GB of shared disk space.
Three hot-plug on the front with secure door, and one 4x500GB SATAII drive with 4GB Fiber Channel internal controller and an upgrade option of up to 12 total internal, dual Gigabit Ethernet up to 6, 8xSATAII drive interface, 4GB Fiber Channel drive interface (optional), ADC and DVI standards-based network services in OS X, or Linux operating systems.

The GVS9000 4XCPU 2.5GHz Power G5 models take efficient data access one step further, exceeding data access over 5.4Gbit/sec ideal for most applications such as Aerospace, Animation , Audio/Video 2K & HD editing, Biotechnology, Communications, Defense, Education, Manufacturing, Medical Imaging, Mobile equipment, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Stereo Video imaging, TV Station, Visualization, as well as SAN meta-data controller and Server, ideal video and audio uncompressed 4.4.4 recording. It's ideal for the road, containing everything you need in a portable, rugged design 19" rack mount or a tower unit with less than 19" depth.

The 4XCPU 2.5GHz PowerPC models include RAM support of 16GB up to 4TB, internal storage up to 9TB with optional 15,000 RPM hot-swap drives running at speeds of 720MB/sec making it ideal for High Performance Computing (HPC) in scientific and technical environments, as well as for VTR, 3D Design, Film Colorist, Animation and Visualization applications. The unique feature of the GVS90004XCPU is the internal 4Gbit Fiber Storage that allows you to instantaneously share your content and have your project available to everyone on the SAN Fiber network, at speeds that are usually only available on very high end fiber RAID products, but are a standard part of the GVS 4XCPU product. The benefit of having the internal 4Gbit Fiber is that you can configure your GVS9000 as an Xsan meta data controller and run GVSAN and Xsan in conjunction to deliver HFS+ volume as well as XSAN volume at the same time. Add AJA, Blackmagic or any number of PCI-e capture cards and you have yourself a complete VTR.


Worksation Prodcut Line
GVS9000 4U
GVS90002U NAS SAN Mangment
GVS9000 2U
Nomadic1U 4TB Storage
Nomadic 1U
Nomadic4U 12TB Storage NAS SAN
Nomadic 4U
Metropolis 2-40xCPU
Panoramic Display
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Grande Vitesse Systems GVS