GVS9000 G5 G4 Product Over view
Choose your GVS9000 PowerMac G5 or G4 Computer
Up to Dual 2.5GHz PowerPC G5
Up to 8GB of DDR SDRAM
Up to 1.25GHz frontside bus
3 PCI or 1 PCIe +
AGP 8x Pro graphics
8xSuperDrive (DVD-R/CD-RW)
Up to 16 SATA HD, 6TB internal
6x400 & 1x800 FireWire interface
Six USB ports interface
1xGB•T up to 7GB•T optional
Digital audio & analog audio in/out
Liquid cooling
Lockable secure door
Foldable rack handle
12 controlled cooling fan
Air Filtering System
Drive bays are shock & vibration control
Optional redundant power supply
Up to 16x300GB 2GB Fibre storage
Up to 16x500GB SATA2 Storage
Up to 16x300GB U320
GVS90004U PPC G5 24"
GVS90004U PowerPC G5 19" deepGVS90004U PPC G5 19 "
GVS90004U w/ 8TB Storage Option

GVS90004U PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5 or 2.7GHz rack mount in 19" deep with 6 removable internal drive bay extremely rugged
GVS90004U PowerMac G5 Dual 2.7GHz rack mount in 19" or 24" deep with 3 to  16 removable internal drive bay VTR
GVS9000 HD 10-bit 4.4.4 1080i or 1080p Video w/8 channel Audio w/2hr 4Gbs Fiber Storage
GVS9000 8-14Bit HD and SD with 8 channel Audio Production System
GVS9000 4U PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0GHz Rackmount with SAN NAS RAID Video Media Server
GVS9000 G5 PowerMac Dual 2.0GHz Rack Mount with Nomadic4U 3 to 16 SATA Hot-Swap Hardware RAID SAN and NAS Gigaibt Fibre UltraSCSI FireWire SATA Interface for KONA HD AJA Kona 2 HD Fury  IgniteRT Targa 3000 D1 64 Deepblue Bluefish HD Aurora Digidesign Pro Tools
GVS9000 4U PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz Workstation Rackmount with 300GB to 5TB SAN / NAS RAID Storage ATI Radeon X800 XT MAC Edition
GVS9000 4.2U PowerMac G5 1.6GHz Rack Mount